More thoughts and where to go from here.

Not moving on just yet as I wanted to discuss the competition a little more. Having read back my previous blog post it sounds a little clinical. Of course I didn’t feel clinical on the day but I wasn’t as nervous as I thought I would be, it helped that I knew (apart from the farmers walk) I was more than capable of doing the weights for at least one rep. In fact I would say the log press and the sandbag were fun, that I was looking forward to doing them. But maybe it was because the competition was just an end point, the true journey had been getting there. That sounds corny but the amount I have learnt this year about body image, about mental and physical strength, about liking who I am and not striving for something I will never look like, about having an opinion and taking up space. Now some will say well yes of course you could look like the fitspo if you really really wanted it ( just *cough* 10 years older and with a head) but part of the journey has been learning that I am awesome the way I am. Thanks to the fact I had to weigh in when considering the U75kg category I know I am, weight wise, the heaviest I have been in a long time. I also know I don’t care. I wear clothes I wouldn’t have touched in my 20s and basically couldn’t give a fuck what people think of what I wear or what it looks like to them. I carry myself differently. I think the most important thing I have learnt is what other people think of me is none of my business, a liberating concept. I am not having to fake it anymore.

Things I learnt at the competition.

  • When you do lifts you need to wait for the command to put the weight down.
  • How to pace myself. The first event, Zercher Squats, went up in 5kg increments that you could skip if you wanted to. I knew my PB in the gym was 95kg but I also know I am shit at going in and lifting heavy straight off, I need to work up to a weight so basically I did every squat from 75kg which helped exhaust my legs. That’s not to say I wouldn’t have still failed the 110kg but it would have made more sense to skip every other weight so I went up in 10kg increments.
  • Sometimes you will fail an event, this is not the end of the world. Find a corner, let the exasperation out and then move on. Do not let it fuck with your head for other events.
  • That I really have to work on my lower body strength. I need to shut up and squat. My coach will be delighted to hear me say that but sceptical about whether it will happen!
  • How awesome it is to be surrounded by women who think picking up heavy weights is fun and who support each other in there attempts.

Whilst a small blog I do want to give a big shout out to Progressive Training Systems in Northampton who organised the event and also to Bridge Road Barbell in Camberley where I train. Both amazing gyms if you are looking to lift heavy in a supportive and friendly atmosphere. Please don’t think oh they will be filled with big sweaty men and I won’t fit in. They will be filled with big sweaty men but as long as you want to learn how to lift you will be welcomed with open arms and supported on your journey.

Right that’s the soppy stuff out of the way. I have been to the gym twice this week but with the aim to exercise not to train.
Tuesday: 100rep KB Clean & Press 12kg warm up followed by circuit done 5 times of 10 red band press ups, 10 inverted rows and 12 stepping dumbbell lunges (5kg each hand).
Thursday: Quick 5x5x40kg squats 5x20x15kg step ups.

What next? I am not competing again this year, it was fun and I’m so glad I started this journey and it is still a work in progressive but I am taking the foot off the gas a little. I will be training 3 times a week an hour a time over the winter with the majority of the work probably being lower body *sob*.  My family are looking to move house, I am starting some volunteer work and trying to grow my business a little more, so lots going on. I will still be blogging about my training interspersed with photos of my children and rants. My coach pointed out that after one particular post of mine ranting about body shaming was an link to an article that did just that. WordPress is free, it needs to make money, i get it but I am now moving to the following URL http:// and I hope to see you there!

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2 thoughts on “More thoughts and where to go from here.

  1. Mandy @ fatgirlgonehealthy September 13, 2013 at 12:53 am Reply

    Wow. I think I was liberated just reading this, “I think the most important thing I have learnt is what other people think of me is none of my business, a liberating concept.” awesome. I will see at your new url!

  2. Nicola Joyce September 13, 2013 at 10:29 am Reply

    Congrats – not just on the comp but on everything the whole process has brought you

    I loved this post but particularly “…find a corner, let the exasperation out and then move on…” – great advice

    Good luck for whatever’s next!

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